
Vulkan® Internal Hex

Sausage Technique

Sausage Technique explained by Dr. Octavi Ortiz

Explanation of the Sausage Technique

This technique, also called the “Sausage Technique”, is used in the back of the jaw, when there is not enough bone height to place several implants.

It is therefore a vertical bone regeneration. The gum is opened and separated well, so that it is loose to be able to surround the material that we will put underneath and which will have the shape of a sausage. The implants are placed, leaving two or three coils exposed. These spirals are surrounded with the patient's own powdered bone, which is obtained by scratching the most posterior and lateral part of the jaw with a curved scraper. A croquette of growth factors with biomaterial is placed on top.

On top of this, a long-lasting membrane is placed, fixed with thumbtacks, and which acts as a tent in which the masts would be the implants. The next layer is a fibrin membrane, on which the gum is sewn, which will remain distended. The implants must be unloaded for 9 months, that is, without placing the crowns or using removable eating devices. There may be paresthesia or tingling for a time. It is a complex and laborious technique that we try to avoid with very short implants.


Vulkan® Conical Connection

Regeneración ósea y arcada completa All-on-4

Dr. Froilà Gisbert


Paciente de 78 años, sin antecedentes médicos de interés, no medicación habitual, no hábitos tóxicos.

Tras realizar saneamiento de las piezas maxilares abordamos la rehabilitación mandibular.

La 33 y el 36 se encuentran en estado periodontal terminal, la 35 presenta un buen estado estado periodontal, pero decidimos su exodoncia por razón de planificación quirúrgica y protética.

Colocamos Vulkan Conical: 2 x 3.75 x 13 a 32 y 42, 1 x 3.75 x 11.5 a 35 y 1 4.2 x 11.5 a 45. Regeneramos la zona del 35 y de otros defectos óseos con biotrituración de propias piezas exo muelle del hueso aspirada de la tuberosidad maxilar.

A las 6 semanas cambiamos tapones de cicatrización y aprovechamos para hacer colgantes para aumento de encía queratinizada en las zonas donde carecía.

Con el visto bueno del Ostell, confeccionamos híbrida All-on-four con mesoestructura de titanio y supraestructura de circonio Zirconzahn (laboratorio Pujol-Monné de Reus).

La rehabilitación de la parte maxilar se contempla en breve.


Vulkan® Internal Hex

Immediate implantation with bone regeneration and scheduling

Dr. Samir-Aboul


Male patient of 61 years of age with 24-25-26-27 pieces removed, edentulism in 15 and 17, and in 34-35-36-37. Eight months earlier we had removed an odontogenic cyst in the area of 37-38 with pathological A compatible with an odontogenic cyst.
After a year of follow up, the patient is clinically and radiologically well of his previous cystic pathology and we program exodontia of the pieces of the 2nd quadrant and placement of immediate Vulkan Internal Hex implants together with bone regeneration.

Implant placement is scheduled in 15-34-35 and 36. All this to rehabilitate up to the first molars.


Vulkan® Internal Hex

Immediate Implant with screw-retained crown-on-implant restoration

Dr. Samir-Aboul


A 48-year-old patient with a root remnant in tooth 14, was diagnosed with exodontia and immediate Vulkan Internal Hex implant placement, to be later rehabilitated with a screw-retained implant crown.  

Vulkan® Conical Connection

Immediate loading and part making on interfaces

Dr. Fernando Germán


Implantation process: Two fractured teeth are replaced by two immediate Vulkan Conical Connection implants. After an osseointegration period of 3 to 4 months with healing caps with emergence profile, the zirconium parts are placed on two non-hexagonal interfaces.

Vulkan® Conical Connection

Full arch with non-engaging ti-bases

Dr. Fernando Germán


Implantation process: Bridge on implants with rotating interfaces and wait 4 to 6 months. Large cysts in the palate filled with biomaterial for immediate implants. Load of the Vulkan Conical Connection.

Vulkan® Conical Connection

Unitary Implant in position 25

Dr. Fernando Germán


Implementation process:  
  • Vulkan Conical Connection placement in position 25
  • Crowns milled from zirconia
  • 5 mm interface height

Vulkan® Conical Connection

Unitary implant in position 12

Dr. Fernando Germán


Implantation process:
  • Upper lateral in position 12 with Vulkan Conical Connection implant.
  • Surgical Guide with Blueskybio design on wire printer.
  • Zirconia copy on 2mm high interface.
  • Scanned by Mediti500 and designed in exocad.

Vulkan® Conical Connection

Implant Placement with minimally invasive technique

Dr. Fernando Germán


Implantation process:

Implant placement with minimally invasive technique with punch access without flap or suture. Bone regenerated with Osteobiol due to previous cyst and extraction, waiting a few months. 

Awaiting integration, currently in process.

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