
Vulkan® External Hex

Case Study Full arch ImmediateLoading

Dr. Marc Rocamora

Study Summary

We present the clinical case of a 58-year-old woman, without systemic pathology of interest, non-smoker, with a cemented metal-ceramic fixed prosthesis in the upper arch on 9 abutment teeth with different degrees of periodontal involvement and restorative failure. After clinically and radiographically evaluating the case, a consensus is reached with the patient, perform the extraction of the metal-ceramic prosthesis and the 9 remaining abutment teeth in the upper arch, place 8 immediate Vulkan® External Hex implants in the residual alveolar processes and proceed with immediate loading using 1 mm high Multiuse® transgingival abutments and PEEK® abutments for straight implants. The key points in the technical execution of the case focus on a minimally atraumatic extraction of the abutment teeth for the remaining alveolar process, a correct drilling sequence, an optimal primary stability of the Vulkan® External Hex implants and an excellent passive fit between implant connection and prosthetic attachments.
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