
Vulkan® Internal Hex

Immediate post-extraction implant in lower molar

Dr. Samir Aboul-Hosn

X-ray lower molar patient
lower molar extraction
dental implant surgery in  lower molar
immediate post-extraction implant in lower molar
healing cap in lower molar dental surgery


56-year-old male patient with endodontic tooth fracture 36. We propose an atraumatic extraction treatment of the piece by performing a dental section that allows the least possible pressure to be exerted on the walls of the alveolar bone to preserve its architecture as much as possible. Since the mesial root socket shows slight bone loss in the vestibular area, we decided to place the implant in the distal root socket and preserve 100% of the inter-root septum structure. We obtain a primary stability greater than 40Nw and we place the healing abutment. We regenerate the mesial alveolus with a xenograft.

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