
Vulkan® Internal Hex

Rehabilitation of the anterior maxillary aesthetic sector and posterior mandibular sectors

Dr. Samir Aboul-Hosn



A 44-year-old male patient presented with edentulism in the anterior upper arches and posterior lower arches. Carrier of removable prostheses, shows great resorption in the anterior maxillary sector. We propose different treatment options, among which we propose horizontal regeneration implant placement using xenograft together with autologous bone and resorbable membranes.

One of the characteristics of the Vulkan implant is that it is created from a type IV titanium with which a cold forming process is applied, which gives it resistance and elasticity characteristics that are close to grade V but maintaining the Osseointegrative capabilities of class IV titanium. Thus, we used 2 implants with a diameter of 3.3 mm in the anterior sector with the confidence that they will support (together with a 3.75 mm implant) a screw-retained prosthesis. The implants in the posterior sectors are 4.2 mm in diameter, thus respecting the measurements recommended by our company for the pieces that we are rehabilitating. We load all implants at 4 months because we have performed bone regeneration techniques in the anterior sector.

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